Ossian’s 175th Anniversary Logo Contest
The City of Ossian will be celebrating their 175th anniversary on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 8-10, 2025. As part of the preparations for the three-day event, the Planning Committee is holding a logo contest. The winning logo may be used on posters, t-shirts, memorabilia, clip art, etc. in advance of and during the three-day event. The parade theme for the 175th Anniversary is “Ossian Through the Years”.
There is no fee to enter the contest, but the winner must grant permission to the City of Ossian to use the winning logo free of charge on the various promotional printed materials and social media sites. A $100 prize will be awarded for each of the winning designs. There will be two contests; one for students in Grades 6-12 and a second contest for adults.
The design must include the words “City of Ossian” and “175th Anniversary”.
The design must be submitted in both color and black and white.
The design should be visually appealing on both small and large scales.
The design resolution should be able to scale to both small and large print.
Only one entry may be submitted by an individual.
All entries must include the full name of the person who designed the logo, email address, postal address and phone number.
The logo design may be dropped off or mailed to the Ossian City Clerk’s Office, 123 West Main Street, Ossian Iowa, 52161 in an envelope addressed to: Ossian City Clerk, Ossian Logo Design Contest or submitted by email to clerk@ossianiowa.com in a jpg file format. All entries are due by noon on Monday, February 10.
Contact Clark Goltz via email at clark.goltz@gmail.com or text 563-380-1990 regarding any questions about the logo design contest.
Updated: January 16, 2025