June 21, 2021 – Special Meeting

Posted: June 21, 2021

Special Meeting

Present: Goltz, Knutson, Lienau, Holthaus, Langreck

Absent:  None

Also present: Brian Zweibohmer

Mayor Beckman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

The Mayor and Council held a discussion concerning the candidates being considered for the Maintenance Employee position. Following discussion, Lienau made a motion to offer the Maintenance Employee position to Chad Bohr at the hourly rate of $23.00; seconded by Langreck, carried, with the five council members present all saying yes.

Council had a general discussion Highway 52 curb and gutter replacement.

Langreck made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Goltz, carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:46 pm.