December 7, 2015

Posted: December 7, 2015

The newly elected officials; Dan Langreck, Sue Lienau, Bryan Beckman and Bill Green were sworn into office prior to the start of the meeting.

Present: S. Meyer, Langreck, M. Meyer, Bushman. Holthaus arrived at 5:30 pm.
Absent: None.

Don Dilaura, Brian Zweibohmer and Zak Kriener from the Ossian Bee were present during the meeting, along with Karl Schroeder, Joanne Schroeder and Sharlene Rose for the public hearing and Pam Buddenberg and Terry Wenthold for support of the Winneshiek County Development Director. Newly elected officials Bill Green, Bryan Beckman and Sue Lienau were also present during the meeting.

Mayor Covell called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Mayor Covell announced the public hearing on the Designation of the 2016 Ossian Urban Revitalization Area and Adoption of a Plan for such Revitalization was open for comments. A discussion involving those in attendance resulted. There were no negative comments made nor any written comments for or against the plan. M. Meyer made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by E. Meyer, carried, one absent.

Stephanie Fromm, Director of Winneshiek County Development, described what the organization does and their goals to involve the entire county in their planning efforts. To help fund the organization in FY17, Fromm is asking the county’s cities to contribute $1.50 per person. It was the consensus of the Mayor and Council that Winneshiek County Development’s efforts to promote all of Winneshiek County in their plans would have a positive impact on Ossian and agreed to include $1267.00 in the FY17 Budget for the organization

Joe Kriener, on behalf of Luana Savings Bank, asked the Council for assistance to replace the existing sidewalk in front of the new bank being built. He explained it will involve lowing the sidewalk and replacing the curb. The Council noted they are grateful to Luana Savings Bank for the new facility and the taxes it will generate for the community, but explained to Kriener the banks request for assistance to pay for the sidewalk is not within the guidelines of the current sidewalk policy. The Council told Kriener since the curbing needs to be replaced, the City may be able to pay for that portion of the project. Kriener was asked to get a cost estimate for the curb removal and replacement before a decision is made.

Officer Joe Ware gave his monthly police report.

Bushman made a motion approving the following consent items November 2, 2015 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by E. Meyer, carried.

Bushman made a motion to adopt Resolution #562, a resolution adopting the proposed plan for the 2016 Ossian Housing Urban Revitalization Area, seconded by M. Meyer.

Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Bushman, E. Meyer, M. Meyer.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared Resolution #562 adopted.

Bushman made a motion to introduce Ordinance #67, and ordinance designating an area of Ossian, Iowa as the 2016 Ossian Urban Revitalization Area for its first reading, seconded by M. Meyer.
Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members Voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Bushman, E. Meyer, M. Meyer.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared motion approved.
E. Meyer made a motion that the second and third readings for Ordinance #67 be waived, seconded by Langreck.

Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members Voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Bushman, E. Meyer, M. Meyer.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared motion approved.
It was moved by E. Meyer and seconded by M. Meyer that Ordinance #67 be adopted.

Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members Voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Bushman, E. Meyer, M. Meyer.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared Ordinance #67 adopted..

M. Meyer made a motion approving a new Class C Liquor License with Sunday Sales to Wild Woods Event Center pending their completed application , seconded by Holthaus, carried.

The Mayor and Council discussed the city employee’s health insurance renewal and the options available. The current plan will be increasing by 9.2%. Discussion will continue at the January 4th meeting.

Holthaus made a motion approving a request made to the IDOT by the Trails Unlimited Snowmobile Club allowing the club’s trail to cross Hwy 52’s right-of-way at Carey’s Park and a lease agreement for the Clubs insurance, seconded by M. Meyer, carried.

Dave Dusanek of DigiFarm explained his GPS service available to farmers and the need for satellite reception for the service to work. He asked the Council if an antenna could be mounted on the city’s building at 104 N. Lydia Street.

Action on the request was tabled until the January 4th meeting.

A general discussion was held concerning the upcoming 2017 Budget.

Bushman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by E. Meyer. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm

November 2015 Expenses

  • Acentek-phone/internet charges 414.71
  • Aflac-employee deduction 165.84
  • Alliant Energy-electric utilities 3960.36
  • Baker & Taylor-library books 630.61
  • Becker Hardware-services & repair 343.19
  • Beckmans Ace Hardware-misc supp 32.88
  • Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 257.61
  • Bolson Floor Service-floor maint. 400.00
  • Brian Zweibohmer-mtg reimb 10.00
  • Cardmember Service-library supp. 522.76
  • Casey’s-vehicle operations 154.66
  • Chuck’s Service-repair 15.00
  • City Laundering-services 84.74
  • Collection Service Ctr- employ.deduct. 990.00
  • Des Moines Stamp Co.-supples 50.95
  • Don Dilaura-mtgs reimb. 239.20
  • Farmers Union Coop-vehicle operations 133.98
  • Fayette Publishing-publication fee 76.96
  • Gillund Enterprises-supplies 202.96
  • Hawkins-operating supplies 5.00
  • IIW Engineers-services 2253.00
  • Iowa One Call-locate service 25.20
  • IPERS-Nov. Ipers 2070.76
  • Joe Huinker-concrete repair 630.00
  • Joyce Bakewell-reimb supplies 12.78
  • Keystone Lab-lab fees 182.50
  • Kyle Meyer-services 260.00
  • Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a.pymt & fees 320.00
  • Luana Savings Bank-interest pymt 7080.00
  • Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 5027.25
  • Midwest Tape-library videos 81.86
  • Municipal Supply-maint supplies 797.00
  • Mr. Computers-tech services 203.75
  • Post Office-postage 196.70
  • Ossian Library-petty cash 73.00
  • Postville Vet Clinic-UPS chgs 40.50
  • Randall Timp-reimb 5.70
  • Real Simple-subscription 20.00
  • Riley’s-furniture & supplies 4772.00
  • Rite Price Office Supplies-supplies 84.61
  • IRS-Nov Federal deposit 3857.84
  • SJI Rhombus-repair 190.68
  • Smart Apple Media-library books 106.75
  • South Winn. SODA-contribution 200.00
  • Time-subscription 3.00
  • U.S. Cellular-phones & services 93.34
  • Utility Equipment-maint supplies 777.65
  • Wellmark-insurance premium 1824.90
  • November payroll 8337.30

Total 48219.48


November 2015 Expenses by Fund

  • General 22471.38
  • Road Use 2317.41
  • Employee Benefits 842.57
  • Local Option Tax 2253.00
  • Debt Service 7080.00
  • Water 8079.74
  • Sewer 5175.38

Total 48219.48


November 2015 Receipts

  • General 16577.09
  • Road Use Tax 9032.98
  • Employee Benefits 1405.04
  • Emergency 234.40
  • Local Option Tax 3211.43
  • Debt Service 1437.35
  • Water 12535.25
  • Sewer 13535.01

Total 57968.55