Posted: February 2, 2015
Present: Holthaus, M. Meyer, Langreck, Bushman, E. Meyer arrived at 5:08 pm.
Absent: None
Zak Kriener from the Ossian Bee, Art Uhlenhake and Brian Zweibohmer were present during the meeting.
Mayor Covell called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Lori Brockway from Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission (UERPC) explained the various housing programs their organization has available for LMI persons. There are programs available that can offer assistance for qualifying home owners for things such as furnaces, windows, doors and roofing. Individuals who rent may be eligible for a rental assistance program.
Mark Jobgen from IIW PC, presented an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services to the City for the Jessie/Brooks/West Streets Project. Jobgen explained the agreement will authorize their firm to provide engineering and plan preparation required for submitting the plans to the IDOT, letting through the IDOT and special assessments.
Jobgen also told the Council the preliminary engineering work IIW is doing on Broadway, West, and Mechanic Street has stopped to allow the City to evaluated the funding, etc for the two projects. The Mayor noted the Visioning Committee have plans proposing a walking trail along the Jessie Street corridor. Not knowing if there is room in the city’s right-of-way for a walking trail, the Mayor and Council asked Jobgen if he would check that out.
Bushman made a motion approving an agreement for Engineering Services between the City of Ossian and IIW, P.C. for Jessie/Brooks/West Streets Reconstruction 2017, seconded by E. Meyer, carried.
Officer Lance Peters gave the police report noting no unusual activity occurred during the month.
Holthaus made a motion approving the following consent items January 5, 2015 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Langreck, carried.
The Mayor and Council reviewed plans for the concrete work necessary for the pavilion in Carey’s Park and authorized the soliciting of bids for the concrete work.
Interest rates submitted for a $140,000 loan needed to finance the Hall Street Lift Station Project were reviewed: State Bank; 3.1% and Luana Savings 1.65%. The Council directed the city clerk to have the necessary documents prepared for the City to enter into a $140,000 loan agreement with Luana Savings Bank with an interest rate of 1.65%.
Bushman made a motion approving the renewal of Coop One Stop’s Beer/Sunday Sales Permit, seconded by M. Meyer, carried.
A Return-To-Work Policy for the City’s employees was reviewed. E. Meyer made a motion approving the Return-To-Work-Policy for City’s employees, seconded by M. Meyer, carried.
The city clerk went over the revenue and expense figures for the FY16 Budget with the Mayor and Council. The proposed tax levy is set at $12.84; the current budget’s levy is $12.66. Larger budget items discussed included manhole maintenance, sewage lift station repairs, park improvements, street maintenance, water valve equipment, community center tables & chairs and debt payments.
Bushman made a motion setting the public hearing data and time for the FY16 Budget for March 2, 2015 at 5:00 p.m., seconded by E. Meyer carried.
The Mayor and Council discussed sections of the City Code giving consideration to changes that may be implemented during the re-codifying process of the City’s Code of Ordinances.
Bushman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Langreck, carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
January 2015 Expenses
- Acentek-phone/internet charges 455.96
- Aflac-employee deduction 161.52
- Baker & Taylor-library books 237.18
- Becker Hardware-misc. supp/repair 453.72
- Beckmans Ace Hdwe-misc supplies 183.51
- Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 1202.54
- Book Look-library books 294.81
- Brian Zweibohmer-mtg reimb. 6.00
- Calmar Courier-subscription 32.00
- Cardmember Service-library supp. 16.17
- Casey’s-vehicle operations 160.94
- Center Point Large Print-books 24.47
- Chuck’s Service-vehicle maint. 36.79
- City Laundering-services 160.08
- Collection Service Ctr-employ.deduct. 990.00
- Amos Publishing-subscription 19.99
- Demco-library supplies 60.65
- Dennis 875.00
- Dennis Holien-fire chief services 600.00
- Farmers Union Coop-vehicle operations 110.99
- Hawkins-operating supplies 441.50
- IAMU-1st qtr safety group fee 302.90
- IMFOA-annual dues 40.00
- Iowa One Call-locate service 16.30
- IPERS-January Ipers 1743.63
- J&R Supply-operating supplies 113.00
- Jude Zweibohmer-mtg reimb 13.30
- Keystone Lab-lab fees 309.50
- Linderbaum Auto Co-repairs 107.00
- Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a. pymt 300.00
- Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 5074.50
- Midwest Tape-videos 18.88
- Mississippi Welders-operating supp. 92.37
- Ossian Crown Club-annual dues 50.00
- Ossian Lumber Co-bldg maint supplies 3174.63
- Post Office-postage 193.50
- Ossian Library-petty cash reimb 94.46
- Postville Vet Clinic-UPS chgs 39.00
- Reminisce Extra-subscription 19.98
- Riley’s Inc-operating supp 59.16
- Rite Price Office Supp.-office supplies 127.47
- IRS-January Federal deposit 3035.17
- Sharlene Rose-reimb library book 39.95
- Simple & Delicious-subscription 19.98
- Smart Apple Media-library books 52.90
- Treas State of Iowa-4th qtr s/tax 1557.00
- Tri-Township Fire Dept-annual fee 1500.00
- U.S. Cellular-phones & services 95.22
- Wellmark-insurance premium 1824.90
- January payroll 7074.13
Total 33612.65
2014 Wages
- Joyce Bakewell 41072.00
- Thomas Bushman 315.00
- Charles Covell, III 1920.00
- Don Dilaura 53759.90
- Mitchell Holthaus 385.00
- Daniel Langreck 420.00
- Sarah McGee 5041.84
- Earl S. Meyer 350.00
- Marvin Meyer 420.00
- Randall Timp 5281.05
- Brian Zweibohmer 49246.05
- Judyth Zweibohmer 20087.39
Total 178298.23
January 2015 Expenses by Fund
- General 21306.66
- Road Use 2044.07
- Employee Benefits 2124.90
- Water 4969.68
- Sewer 3167.34
Total 33612.65
January 2015 Receipts
- General 30870.56
- Road Use Tax 7591.05
- Employee Benefits 830.86
- Emergency 154.33
- Local Option Tax 7914.75
- Library Trust 386.50
- Debt Service 978.98
- Water 8944.13
- Sewer 11721.50
Total 69392.66