June 4, 2018

Posted: June 4, 2018

Present: Lienau, Beckman, Langreck, Knutson. Holthaus arrived at 5:40 p.m.
Absent: None.
Don Dilaura, Brian Zweibohmer, Mike Meyer and Zak Kriener from the Ossian Bee were present during the meeting.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Green called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Mike Meyer addressed the Council regarding a storm sewer in need of repair and boulevards along E. Brooks St. that were torn up during street maintenance that should have more dirt and some re-seeding done to them.

Officer Ward gave his police report, noting the investigation involving the burglaries is ongoing and expressed how important it is to report any and all suspicious activity.

Mayor Green reported the barrel at the City Park is being repaired and additional mulch will be laid beneath the playground equipment in the park. Green told the Council ISU Extension has scheduled a daytime meeting on
June18th and were welcome to attend.

The Council discussed the condition of the city’s 2002 John Deer MX7 rotary mower and reviewed two quotes to trade in the old mower and purchase a new 2018 John Deere X7 Lift Type rotary mower. Beckman made a motion to accept Waukon Implement’s quote to trade in the city’s 2002 John Deer MX7 mower and purchase a 2018 John Deer MX&Lift Type rotary mower, seconded by Knutson. Motion failed: Lienau and Langreck voted no, Beckman and Knutson voted yes, Holthaus absent.

Lienau made a motion approving the following consent items: May 7, 2018 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Langreck, carried, one absent.

Beckman made a motion approving Cigarette Permits, effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, for Casey’s General Store and Bambinos, seconded by Knutson, carried, one absent.

Lienau made a motion approving the renewal of Shooter’s Bar & Grill’s Class C Liquor/Sunday Sales Permit, seconded by Knutson, carried, one absent.

Beckman made a motion approving the Ossian Crown Club’s application for a 5-Day Beer Permit w/Outdoor Service, seconded by Lienau, carried, one absent.

Holthaus arrived at 5:40 p.m.

The Council reviewed the City’s July 1, 2018 insurance renewal quote and discussed the excess liability options available. It was the consensus of the Council to keep the excess liability coverage at $2,000,000.

Knutson reported the video and sound system has been installed in the pavilion at Carey’s Park. Making the Pavilion at Carey’s Park available for public use was discussed. The city clerk presented a proposed rental agreement for using the pavilion and video/sound equipment. The Council reviewed the proposed rental agreement and discussed rental fees for using the pavilion and equipment.

Lienau made a motion approving the Carey’s Park Pavilion/Facilities Agreement and setting the following fees: Pavilion/Park Facility Rental Fee; $100.00, Sound System; $25.00/hr., Projection System; $25.00/hr., Security/Damage Deposit; $250.00, seconded by Langreck, carried.

Don Dilaura suggested to the Council they consider eliminating the fluoride treatment into the city’s water supply. The fluoride chemical is corrosive and causes deterioration to the metals in the pump house. Dilaura went on to explain the city’s water supply contains some natural fluoride and with today’s dental hygiene there isn’t the need to fluoridate the water as it was in 1996 when the City starting doing so. Following discussion, Beckman motioned the City discontinue the use of fluoride in the city’s water supply, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

Lienau made a motion approving a building permit for Lance Peters, seconded by Beckman, carried.

The Council discussed street maintenance for the 2018 summer. Beckman made a motion accepting the proposals submitted by River City Paving to place 4” HMA patch over 21’ x 90’ double lift application on a section of Broadway Street, place 4” HMA patch over 4’ x 40’ single lift application on Boody Street and place a skim patch over 11’ x 300’ avg. depth of 1.5” on Boody Street and Reilly Construction to core out a 21’ x 91’ x 2” deep section of Broadway Street and furnish and place rock at the thickness stated, seconded by Lienau, carried.

City maintenance personal explained the fifteen year old weed eater they use isn’t in the best of shape and would like permission to purchase a new one. The Council reviewed an estimate for a Stihl weed eater with options for accessories. Knutson made a motion authorizing the purchase of a Stihl KM131R from Drilling’s All Season Sports and the following accessories; power sweep, pruner attachment, shaft extension and grassblade. The motion died for lack of a second.

Lienau made a motion authorizing the purchase of a Stihl KM131R from Drilling’s All Season Sports and the following accessories; pruner attachment, shaft extension and grassblade, seconded by Beckman, carried.

A general discussion included; getting extra help to spread wood chips in the City Park, fixing the pavement on Brooks Street where it was dug up for a water leak, yards with long grass/weeds, swimming bus schedule.

Lienau made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Holthaus, carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.

May 2018 Expenses

  • Acentek-phone/internet charges 489.05
  • Aflac-employee deduction 254.40
  • Alliant Energy-elect utilities 6623.79
  • Badger Meter-service fee 63.00
  • Baker & Taylor-library books 291.11
  • Bankers Trust Co-service fee 300.00
  • Becker Hardware-repair & supplies 240.51
  • Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 375.83
  • Brian Zweibohmer-phone reimb 50.00
  • Card Member Services-library supplies 13.95
  • Casey’s-vehicle operations 454.51
  • Chuck’s Service-vehicle maint. 46.67
  • City Laundering-services&supplies 196.88
  • Demco-library supplies 143.00
  • Don Dilaura-phone reimb 50.00
  • Family Support Pymt Ctr-pymt service 1423.00
  • Farmers Union Coop-supplies 20.70
  • Fayette Publishing-publication fee 380.71
  • Good Housekeeping-subscription 36.34
  • Hawkins-operating supplies 15.00
  • IDOT-street project exp 1079.02
  • IIW Engineers-engineering services 3800.75
  • Iowa History Journal-subscription 18.95
  • IPERS-MayIpers 1982.52
  • Iroc Web Services-tech services 55.00
  • Keith Lee-supplies 95.00
  • Keystone Lab-lab fees 508.00
  • L&B Electric-repair 89.06
  • Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a.pymt & fees 460.00
  • Luana Savings Bank-pay const. loan 1015767.83
  • Luana Savings Bank-bldg bond pymt 61268.75
  • Luana Savings Bank-sewer loan pymt 47038.82
  • Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 5043.73
  • Metering Technology Solutions- suppl. 2301.51
  • Mississippi Welders-service fee 172.53
  • Ossian Post Office-postage 196.65
  • Ossian Library-petty cash reimb 80.94
  • Postville Vet Clinic-ups charges 63.00
  • Reilly Construction-services & repair 8060.00
  • Riley’s-library supplies 30.00
  • Rite Price Office-supplies 115.16
  • Scholastic -library books 52.22
  • IRS-May Federal deposit & fee 3213.54
  • Security State Bank-service fee 10.00
  • TEI Landmark Audio-audio books 592.00
  • Trans Iowa Equipment-maint supplies 450.52
  • USA Bluebook-supplies 87.60
  • Utility Equip Co-repair 190.06
  • Wellmark-insurance premium 3268.46
  • Winn. Co. Engineer-supplies 905.60
  • Winn. Co. Extension-program contribu. 1000.00
  • Winn Co. Recorder-service fee 52.00
  • May 2018 payroll 6939.69

Total 1176457.36


May 2018 Expenses by Fund

  • General 19167.55
  • Road Use 11005.84
  • Employee Benefits 2803.87
  • Debt Service 108307.57
  • Capitol Project 1020468.36
  • Water 7824.20
  • Sewer 6879.97

Total 1176457.36


May 2018 Receipts

  • General 34143.77
  • Road Use Tax 10149.70
  • Employee Benefits 2531.50
  • Emergency 410.30
  • Local Option Sales Tax 8959.05
  • Debt Service 2225.94
  • Capital Project 1356991.69
  • Water 10282.90
  • Sewer 12515.16

Total 1438210.01