April 4, 2016

Posted: April 4, 2016

Present: Holthaus, Lienau, Langreck, Meyer, Beckman.
Absent: None.

Don Dilaura, Brian Zweibohmer, Ken Witt, along with Zak Kriener from the Ossian Bee were present during the meeting.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Green called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Mayor Green announced the public hearing for the 2016 Budget was open for comment. Mayor Green asked if anyone present had any questions or comments. There were no written comments or objections submitted, nor were there any comments or objections from those present. Meyer made a motion to close the public hearing seconded by Lienau, carried.

Sean Snyder, the newly hired Winneshiek County Emergency Management Coordinator, introduced himself. Snyder explained his role and his commitment to the position to make sure both the rural and municipal areas in Winneshiek County are ready for emergencies that may arise. Snyder also noted he is encouraging city officials and employees to participate in FEMA training classes to become NIMS compliant.

Tom Bushman, Chuck Sender, Terry Linderbaum and Pam Buddenberg presented the Council with a cost estimate to complete the bandstand/pavilion in Carey’s Park. Bushman explained the crown club continues to raise funds for the project but is still short of funds to complete the project. He asked the Council to consider financing the balance of the project with the Crown Club reimbursing the City when additional funds were raised. The city clerk brought up a concern as to how the process of bidding the project would have to be done and will check into it.

Tara Bushman asked the Council for permission for the SW fourth thru seventh grade traveling softball team to host a fund raising event at Carey’s Park. The group would like to have a drive through chicken dinner the evening of Saturday May 7th. The Council agreed hosting the event at the Park would be fine.

James Rothmeyer and Holly Ingels representing State Bank submitted an application for a building permit to construct a solar panel canopy behind the bank. Following review and discussion, Meyer made a motion approving a building permit for State Bank, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

Ken Witt addressed the council concerning a junk vehicle on property adjoining his. Discussion followed.

IIW engineer, Adam Moris, presented the Council with an agreement of services to prepare plans for an interceptor sewer relocation in Reilly’s Addition. This interceptor sewer will divert wastewater that is transported through the Reilly Addition area directly to the West Lift Station to reduce the potential for system backups. The construction estimate is $179,000. Discussion followed.

Langreck made a motion approving the agreement for engineering services between the City of Ossian and IIW, P.C.for the Reilly Addition Interceptor Sewer Relocation 2016 project, seconded by Beckman, carried.

Mayor Green reported he checked with individuals regarding exit regulations for rental property and found out that according to State Fire Marshall information the existing rental properties are compliant with having only one exit.Holthaus reported he continues to research information regarding lighted stop signs for school crosswalks.

Holthaus made a motion approving the following consent items, March 7, 2016 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Meyer, carried.

A discussion involving the FY2017 Budget included: reviewing cost estimates for a “work pickup’ verses the type of pick up previously quoted, funding for improvements at Carey’s Park, wages, new lighting in the community center/library building and windows in the community center room. It was the consensus of the council not to finance the pavilion project so it can be completed before the additional funds needed are raised nor to make a contribution to the project in FY2017. More inquires will be needed to determine what should be done to the log cabin in Carey’s Park. The city clerk was directed to do more research for installing windows in the community center meeting room.

Further Discussion regarding expenditures for the FY2017 Budget concluded with the following decisions being made:

  • Beckman made a motion recommending a $.50/hr raise for FY2017 for both full-time and part-time eemployees, seconded by Meyer. Motion failed with Beckman voting yes and Holthaus, Langreck, Lienau and Meyer voting no.
  • Lienau made a motion recommending no hourly wage increase be given to the full-time or part-time eemployees for FY2017, seconded by Langreck. Motion failed with Lienau and Langreck voting yes and Holthaus, Beckman and Meyer voting no.
  • Meyer made a motion recommending a $.35/hr raise for FY2017 for both full-time and part-time employees,seconded by Beckman, motion carried with Holthaus, Beckman, Meyer voting yes and Langreck and Lienau voting no.
  • Langreck made a motion recommending $7,500 of funds be set aside in the Carey Park Improvement Fund to be used for restroom development, seconded by Beckman, carried.
  • Beckman made a motion recommending the City purchase a 2016 1500 Dodge Tradesman “work pick-up”from Torkelson-Waukon with trading-in the city’s GMC 2006 pickup for $19,785.00, seconded by Holthaus,carried with Holthaus, Beckman and Meyer voting yes and Langreck and Lienau voting no.
  • Lieanu made a motion recommending replacing the T12 fluorescent light fixtures in the community center building with LED lighting, seconded by Langreck, carried.

Lienau made a motion introducing Resolution #565, a resolution amending the current budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, seconded by Holthaus.

The Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Beckman, Lienau, Meyer.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved.

Langreck made a motion introducing Resolution #566, a resolution establishing an incentive for new “main street”store front businesses, seconded by Meyer.

The Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Beckman, Lienau, Meyer.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved

Holthaus made a motion introducing Resolution #567, a resolution authorizing payment of certain claims prior to council approval, seconded by Beckman.
The Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Beckman, Lienau, Meyer.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved

The Council discussed the City’s participation in curb replacement, but chose to table the issue so more of the Council can check out the curb sections being replaced.

Langreck made a motion approving building permits for Earl Meyer and Mitchell Holthaus, seconded by Lienau carried with Holthaus abstaining from the vote.

Lienau made a motion authorizing the City of Ossian to sweep the City of Castalia’s streets one time this spring charging $750.00 for the service, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

Lienau made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Holthaus Carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.

March 2016 Expenses

  • Acentek-phone/internet charges 453.18
  • Aflac-employee deduction 165.84
  • Alliant Energy-electric utilities 5885.13
  • Allied Systems Inc-repair 3794.78
  • Baker & Taylor-library books 252.39
  • Becker Hardware-services & repair 276.97
  • Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 873.26
  • Cardmember Services-libr supplies 20.08
  • Casey’s-vehicle operations 228.78
  • Center Point Large Print-library books 151.72
  • City Laundering-services 84.74
  • Collection Service Ctr-employ.deduct. 990.00
  • Continental Research Corp-maint supp 182.24
  • Don Dilaura-mtgs reimb 11.00
  • Don’s Truck Sales-maint supplies 160.06
  • Farmers Union Coop-vehicle operation 233.96
  • Fayette Publishing-publication fee 216.51
  • Hach Company-equip repair 1446.99
  • Hawkins-operating supplies 15.00
  • IAMU-mtg fee 45.00
  • IPERS-Mar. Ipers 1941.98
  • Joyce Bakewell-reimb supplies 26.96
  • Keystone Lab-lab fees 242.00
  • Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a.pymt & fees 460.00
  • Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 4747.61
  • Metering & Tech Solutions-supplies 375.51
  • MidAmerica Books-library books 87.75
  • Midwest Tape-videos 15.74
  • Mr. Computers-tech services 187.50
  • Municipal Supply-maint supplies 112.15
  • Ossian Post Office-postage,box rent 190.55
  • Postville Vet Clinic-UPS chgs 67.50
  • Reilly Const-snow removal & repair 2936.23
  • Riley’s-supplies 30.00
  • IRS-Fed Federal deposit 3799.48
  • Sensus Metering-software maint. 1617.45
  • Treas State of Iowa-1st qtr taxes 2264.00
  • U.S. Cellular-phones & services 93.17
  • Wellmark-insurance premium 1695.66
  • Winn Co Engineer-plow supplies 528.82
  • Ziegler Inc-loader & generator repair 6587.83
  • March payroll 7542.63

Total 51038.15


March 2016 Expenses by Fund

  • General 16619.55
  • Road Use 6588.37
  • Employee Benefits 2145.66
  • Water 12906.57
  • Sewer 12778.00

Total 51038.15


March 2016 Receipts

  • General 16620.84
  • Road Use Tax 8960.03
  • Employee Benefits 970.50
  • Emergency 161.93
  • Local Option Tax 6902.79
  • Debt Service 992.77
  • Cemetery Perpetual Care 125.00
  • Water 10839.17
  • Sewer 13406.30

Total 58979.33