February 3, 2020

Posted: February 3, 2020

Present: Langreck, Holthaus, Lienau, Knutson, Goltz.
Absent: None.
Don Dilaura and Art Uhlenhake were present at the meeting, along with Zak Kriener from the Ossian Bee.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Beckman called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Winneshiek County Development & Tourism board member Renee Frana and Program Director Stephanie Fromm explained what their organization has achieved and what their vision is for the future. Their goal by attracting visitors to Decorah is to cross market all of the other communities thus promoting the entire county. They also noted a part-time individual has been hired that will be able to help the smaller communities with local projects.

The Mayor and Council reviewed the submitted January police report.

Mayor Beckman’s report included: clerk’s applications were due Jan 24th with review of applicants and interviews to continue into February; attended the Jan. 16th Winneshiek County Conference Board meeting; Jan 21st met with Soo Green HVDC Link representatives who presented information regarding the transmission of renewable energy; noted as of February 1st emergency management has taken over emergency dispatching duties with the new call sign now being “Winneshiek”; suggested to the Council they consider paying out any earned vacation to the current city clerk upon her departure instead of continuing employment to use the vacation time.

Lienau reported the Personnel Committee was unable to meet to begin discussing FY2021 wages.

Lienau made a motion approving the following consent items: January 6, 2020 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

Lienau made a motion approving Resolution #627, a resolution concerning a maximum proposed property tax levy for the FY20/21 Budget, seconded by Knutson.
Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Lienau, Goltz, Knutson.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and the resolution adopted.

Holthaus made a motion appointing Lance Peters to serve as the City of Ossian’s representative on the SW Recreation Board filling the seat left vacant by the resignation of Amanda Uhlenhake, seconded by Lienau, Carried.

Langreck made a motion approving the renewal of Silver Springs Golf and Country Club’s Class C Liquor/Outdoor Service/Sunday Sales alcoholic beverages permit, seconded by Knutson, carried.

Knutson made a motion renewing Kyle Meyer’s contract to mow Hillside Cemetery at the rate of $145.00/mowing for the 2020 mowing season, seconded by Goltz, carried.

Lienau made a motion approving both the re-estimated quote to install security cameras at the new shop/fire station building to include upgraded cameras, additional labor and conduit and the estimate to add a camera in the community center building entry, seconded by Knutson, carried.

The nuisance abatement matter at 209 Fisher Ave was discussed. It was the consensus of the Council to table the matter until further thought can be put into the next step necessary in the abatement process.

Discussion to set wages for the FY21 Budget was tabled until the March 2, 2020 council meeting.

A general discussion was held concerning the FY21 Budget. The city clerk went over the property tax levy explaining the various levies within the city’s budget making up the total levy of $12.62. This is an increase of $.01 from the current levy of $12.61. The other larger sources of revenue the city receives come from franchise fees, local option tax, road use tax and the water and sewer fees. The FY21 Budget does not include a large project but will include maintenance to well #2, another sewage lift station upgrade, some street repairs, park maintenance along with the routine and normal operating expenses.

Holthaus made a motion setting the public hearing date and time for the FY21 Budget for March 2, 2020 at 5:00 p.m., seconded by Lienau, carried.

The Mayor and Council reviewed the applications submitted for the city clerk’s position.

Lienau made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Langreck, carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm.

January 2020 Expenses

  • Acentekphone/internet charges 495.85
  • Aflac employee insurance 503.88
  • Alliant Energyelect utilities 6162.26
  • Office of State Auditor-FY20 examfee 1200.00
  • Badger Meterservice fees 64.50
  • Baker & Taylor Colibrary books 329.40
  • Becker Hardware-maint supplies/repair 90.21
  • Black Hills Energygas utilities 774.36
  • Book Look-library books 29.98
  • Brian Zweibohmer-phone reimb 50.00
  • Casey’s-vehicle operations 206.00
  • City Laundering-services 114.65
  • Decorah Newspapers-publishing chg 132.00
  • Denis Holien-fire chief services 1200.00
  • Don Dilaura-phone reimb 50.00
  • Farmers Union Coop-operating supp 20.70
  • Family Support Pymt Ctr-pymt service 1423.00
  • Fayette Publishing-publication fee 341.28
  • IRS- January Federal deposit 4878.51
  • Fidelity Bank & Trust-office supplies 40.94
  • Hawkins-supplies 15.00
  • IAMUdues/meeting fees 374.99
  • IPERSJanuary Ipers 3109.62
  • Joyce Bakewellmileage reimb 133.92
  • Keystone Lablab fees 305.50
  • Kurt Anfinsoncemetery services 500.00
  • l&B Electricrepair 104.50
  • Luana Savings Bank- HSA pymt & fees 460.00
  • Malcom Enterprisesgarbage serv. 4985.54
  • Mid America Publishing-publish chg 108.80
  • Mid America Publishing- subscription 38.00
  • Midwest Tape-videos 6.29
  • Ness Pumpingholiday services 80.00
  • Omnisiteannual wire less service 696.00
  • Ossian Crown Blub-member dues 50.00
  • Ossian Post Office-postage 206.55
  • Outdoor Life-subscription 24.97
  • Reilly Const-park improvements 9044.69
  • Riley’s-library supplies 30.00
  • Rothmeyer Repairrepair 15.00
  • SpeeDee Delivertyshipping chgs 64.42
  • Storey Kenworthysupplies 35.99
  • Sue Lienaureimb holiday train exp. 136.75
  • Treas. State of IA- 4th qtr excise taxes 1646.00
  • Treas. State of IA 4th qtrsales 236.00 taxes
  • TriTownshop Fire Deptyearly fee 1500.00
  • UMB Bankadmin fees 300.00
  • Wellmarkheath insurance 3571.35
  • January 2020 payroll 11106.26

Total 56993.66


January 2020 Expenses by Fund

  • General 34054.23
  • Road Use 3248.57
  • Employee Benefits 3013.64
  • Water 8103.66
  • Sewer 8573.56

Total 56993.66


January 2020 Receipts

  • General 39735.43
  • Road Use Tax 11488.73
  • Employee Benefits 399.22
  • Emergency 71.65
  • Local Option Sales Tax 8815.16
  • Debt Service 420.91
  • Water 10586.38
  • Sewer 14500.39

Total 86017.87