February 4, 2019

Posted: February 4, 2019

Present: Beckman, Holthaus, Knutson, Lienau, Langreck.
Absent: None.
Zach Kriener from the Ossian Bee along with Mike Meyer were present during at least a portion of the meeting.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Green called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Blake Moen, SW Recreation Program Director, and Amanda Uhlenhake, Ossian’s representative serving on the programs board, highlighted their 2018 program; it was their second full year in operation, offered twenty different programs, some of which included fishing, theater, soccer, football, basketball; approximately 1200 signed up for those programs; over 100 volunteers helped with the programs; nine programs were hosted in Ossian; hoping to add some new programs in 2019. Moen concluded with a general discussion and answered questions.

Robyn Dundee updated the Council on what has been happening with her efforts to restore the log cabin located in Carey’s Park. Historically significance of the cabin, sources for funding, removing the deteriorating addition from the main structure, roof repairs and the need for volunteers were topics of discussion. Keith Lee who has knowledge in this type of restoration also spoke. Following discussion, the Council asked Dundee for a timeline so as the project moves forward there is some guidance to keep it on track to get it finished in a timely manner.

The Council reviewed the January written police report.

Mayor Green commented the snow removal this past month went well. Green also noted the importance of having our water main shut off valve information available and up to date.

Holthaus made a motion approving the following consent items: January 7, 2019 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Beckman, carried.

It was the consensus of the Council that payment to individuals who are called in for extra help during snow removal will be paid $15.00/hour.

Lienau made a motion approving the renewal of Silver Springs Golf and Country Club’s alcoholic beverages permit, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

Beckman made a motion introducing Resolution #613, a resolution establishing a Procurement Policy for Federal Funding, seconded by Langreck.
Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Lienau, Beckman, Knutson.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and the resolution adopted.

Lienau made a motion hiring Kurt Anfinson as the City’s advisor for Hill Side Cemetery and that he be paid an annual fee of $500.00, seconded by Beckman, carried.
Discussion took place regarding wages for FY20.

  • Beckman made a motion recommending a $.20/hr. increase for employees; the motion died for lack of a second.
  • Beckman made a motion recommending $.30/hr. increase for the three full time employees, seconded by Langreck. Motion failed with Langreck and Beckman voting yes and Holthaus, Lienau and Knutson voting no.
  • Holthaus made a motion recommending a $.35/hr. increase for the three full time employees, seconded by Knutson, carried with Holthaus, Beckman and Knutson voting yes and Langreck and Lienau voting no.
  • Beckman made a motion recommending a $25.00/month increase for the community center cleaning position, seconded by Lienau, carried.
  • Lienau made a motion recommending an $.80/hr. increase for the part-time mowing/public works positon, seconded by Beckman, carried.

A general discussion was held concerning the FY2020 Budget. The city clerk went over the property tax levy explaining the various levies within the city’s budget which make up the total levy of $12.62; down $.05 from the current of $12.67. The other larger sources of revenue the city receives come from franchise fees, local option tax, road use tax and the water and sewer fees. As for bigger expenses, the FY2019 Budget includes re-tuck pointing the old city hall building and debt payments, otherwise the budget pretty much consists of normal operating expenses.

Beckman made a motion setting the public hearing date and time for the FY2020 Budget for March 4, 2019 at 5:00 p.m., seconded by Lienau, carried.

The city clerk explain sewer revenues are not keeping pace with the expenditures and a rate increase may need to be considered. The matter will be reviewed and discussed further at the March 4th council meeting.

Lienau made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Langreck, carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

January 2019 Expenses

  • Acentek-phone/internet charges 498.92
  • Aflac-employee deduction 254.40
  • Alliant Energy-elect utilities 7484.28
  • Auditor of State-exam fee 1200.00
  • Badger Meter-service fee 64.20
  • Baker & Taylor-library books 267.69
  • Becker Hardware-supplies 185.44
  • Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 987.91
  • Brian Zweibohmer-phone & mtg reimb 56.00
  • Cardmember Service-library supp. 53.86
  • Casey’s-vehicle operations 341.93
  • City Laundering-services&supplies 107.27
  • City of Decorah-services 225.00
  • Data Tech-supplies 197.19
  • Decorah Tech-tech services 791.85
  • Demco-library supplies 245.43
  • Denis Holien-fire chief services 1200.00
  • Don Dilaura-phone & mtgs reimb 56.00
  • Family Support Pymt Ctr-pymt service 1423.00
  • Fayette Publishing-publication fee 77.66
  • Food Network Magazine- subscription 19.97
  • Gundersen Lutheran Med Ctr- services 88.00
  • Hawkins-operating supplies 10.00
  • IAMU-mtg & member fees 586.42
  • IPERS-Jan. Ipers 2136.84
  • Jude Zweibohmer-mtg reimb 13.44
  • Keystone Lab-lab fees 251.50
  • Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a.pymt & fees 460.00
  • Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 5046.54
  • Mid America Publishing- subscription 37.00
  • MidAmerica Books-library books 92.70
  • Midwest Tape-videos 35.19
  • Mitinet Inc-library tech services 219.00
  • Ness Pumping Serivces-equip rental 775.00
  • Omnisite-wireless service 696.00
  • Ossian Lumber Co.-bldg supplies 8.00
  • Ossian Post Office-postage 196.65
  • Ossian Public Library-petty cash 66.38
  • Outdoor Life-subscription 24.97
  • Postville Vet Clinic-ups charges 106.00
  • Ranger Rick Zoobooks- subscription 25.95
  • Reilly Const-snow removal 720.00
  • Riley’s-supplies 30.00
  • Rite Price Office Supply-supplies 302.68
  • Rogers Lock & Key-repair 169.50
  • Smart Apply Media-library books 96.75
  • IRS-Jan. Federal deposit 3301.15
  • Taste of Home-library book 33.98
  • Treas State of IA-sale/excise taxes 1924.00
  • Tri Township Fire Dept-annual fee 1500.00
  • Wellmark-insurance 3197.45
  • January 2019 payroll 7073.62

Total 44962.71


January 2019 Expenses by Fund

  • General 23468.54
  • Road Use 3104.77
  • Employee Benefits 2732.86
  • Water 7211.06
  • Sewer 8435.48

Total 44952.71


January 2019 Receipts

  • General 23137.19
  • Road Use Tax 9219.54
  • Employee Benefits 137.57
  • Emergency 33.16
  • Local Option Sales Tax 8537.92
  • Library Trust 100.00
  • Debt Service 9669.63
  • Water 10572.35
  • Sewer 12976.45

Total 74383.81