Posted: June 2, 2014
Present: E. Meyer, M. Meyer, Langreck, Holthaus, Bushman.
Absent: None
Don Dilaura along with Brian Smith from the Ossian Bee were present during the meeting Mayor Covell called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Dale Smith explained a process his company, Concrete Appeal, performs to repair, resurface and seal concrete. He noted this new surface would be stronger than concrete and salt resistant. The Council discussed this process with Smith and explained they were considering this as an option to fix damaged concrete at the new shop/fire station facility.
Officer Ward reported May was a fairly business month. Skunks within the City limits was discussed.
Gary Sejkora and Marc Ruden, engineers from IIW, P.C., explained their engineering services for replacing a pressure line and sewage lift pumping station on Hall Street. Bushman made a motion accepting the Agreement for Professional Engineering Services with IIW, P.C. for the 2014 Hall Street Pumping Station Project, seconded by E. Meyer, carried. With engineering fees and construction costs the total estimated cost of the project for planning purposes is around $155,000.
Langreck made a motion to approve the following consent items May 5, 2014 and May 19,2014 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Holthaus, carried.
Options to remove or fix the damaged concrete in the driveway of the new maintenance shop was discussed. Bushman made a motion to accept Dale Smith’s proposal for Concrete Appeal to repair, resurface and seal the damaged concrete in the driveway to the new shop seconded by E. Meyer, carried with M. Meyer voting no.
Bushman made a motion authorizing the install of the Concrete Parking Area-North Side of the new shop/fire station facility and accept Dave’s Complete Construction Inc., Upper Iowa Construction and Croell’s Redi Mix offer to provide a $3,600.00 credit toward the concrete on the North side parking area lowering the cost from $48,650.00 to $45,050.00, seconded by M. Meyer, carried.
E. Meyer made a motion to accept the work completed through May 31, 2014 by the Building/Concrete Contractor, Dave’s Compete Construction Inc., for the Shop/Fire Station, seconded by M. Meyer, carried.
M. Meyer made a motion approving Cigarette Permits, effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, for Bambinos, Brockmans, Casey’s General Store and Coop One Stop, seconded by Holthaus, carried.
Holthaus made a motion approving Shooter’s Bar & Grill’s renewal application for their Beer/Liquor/Sunday Sales Permit and Ossian Crown Club’s application for a five day Beer Permit w/Outdoor Service, seconded by M. Meyer, carried.
Bushman made a motion to accept the proposal submitted by Blacktop Service Co. to make asphalt patch and seal coat repairs to various areas on Main Street, seconded by E. Meyer, carried.
The City received notice from ICAP, the city’s insurance carrier, that the damage done to a residential basement, due to failure of a sewage lift station, was the result of mechanical failure and was not the result of any negligent act by the City. Therefore, the City is not liable for the damages. However ICAP does have available to the City a benefit that can be offered to the homeowner in an amount not to exceed $5,000 when an incident is such that the City feels it is the moral thing to do. Following discussion M. Meyer made a motion authorizing the City to offer to the home owners at 304 E. Brooks Street an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 to be used for expenses incurred due to the failure of a sewage lift station, seconded by Holthaus, carried.
M. Meyer made a motion setting a public hearing for July 7, 2014 at 5:00 pm for the purpose of introducing an ordinance for an Electric Franchise Agreement between ITC Midwest LLC and the City of Ossian, seconded by E. Meyer, carried.
E. Meyer made a motion introducing Ordinance #62, an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to rules and regulations for providing water service outside the city limits for the first reading, seconded by Bushman. The Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Bushman, E. Meyer, M. Meyer
Nays: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved.
M. Meyer made a motion approving building permits for the following: Bill & Marion Wiltgen, Lee & Christine Woodson, Tom & Terri Bushman and Earl and Lourene Meyer, seconded by Langreck, carried, with Bushman and E. Meyer abstaining.
A general discussion took place with considerations for a future city-wide clean-up event.
Bushman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by E. Meyer, carried,. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
May 2014 Expenses
- Acentek-phone/internet charges 365.63
- Aeromix-aerator repairs 7440.00
- Aflac-employee deduction 242.28
- Airgas USA-operating supplies 107.50
- Alliant Energy-elect. services 10258.70
- Baker & Taylor-library books 770.47
- Bartlett Motors-motor 919.59
- Becker Hardware-const pymt #3 38000.00
- Becker Hardware-misc. exp & supp 917.69
- Beckmans Ace Hdwe-misc supplies 70.53
- Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 749.98
- Brian Zweibohmer-mtg reimb 11.00
- Brown Supply-repair supplies 13.28
- Calmar Mfg-supplies 430.00
- Cardmember Services-library supp. 15.83
- Casey’s-operating supplies 266.70
- Chlorinators Inc.-equip repair 691.23
- Chucks Service-vehicle maint. 440.97
- City Laundering-services 123.84
- Collection Service Ctr- employ.deduct. 990.00
- Concrete Appeal-floor services 650.00
- Cooportunity Health Ins-mnthly premium 1550.08
- Demco-library supplies 56.55
- Des Moines Stamp Co-supplies 58.85
- Don Dilaura-mtg reimb 22.00
- Farmers Union Coop-operating 149.83 supp.
- Fayette Publishing-publications 327.08
- Hawkins-operating supplies 839.50
- Iowa Patch-street repair 669.20
- IPERS-May Ipers 3072.01
- Iroc Web Design-wesite services 1870.00
- John Deer Financial-equip repair 30.68
- Keystone Lab-lab fees 287.50
- Linderbaum Auto-equip repair 559.00
- Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a. pymt 300.00
- Luana Savings Bank-loan pymst 88639.49
- Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 5152.60
- Midwest Tape-library videos 40.98
- Municipal Supply-maint/repair supplies 803.52
- Norplex-supplies 470.16
- Ossian Bee-subscription 35.00
- Ossian Lumber Co-repair supplies 4.59
- Post Office-postage 194.52
- Postville Vet Clinic-UPS chgs 84.50
- QC Analytical Lab-conference fee 125.00
- Reilly Const-maint services 2196.25
- Riley’s Inc-operating supp 205.00
- Rite Price Office Supp.-office supplies 223.93
- Roger Colbenson-flower baskets 1610.00
- Scotty’s Window Service-services 35.00
- IRS-May Federal deposit 5244.05
- U.S. Cellular-phone services 91.46
- Zarnoth Brush Works-sweeper repair 235.95
- May payroll 13445.16
Total 192104.66
May 2014 Expenses by Fund
- General 26232.84
- Road Use 6934.47
- Employee Benefits 1850.08
- Local Option Tax 1250.16
- Library Trust 300.00
- Debt Service 88639.49
- Capitol Project 38000.00
- Water 10708.25
- Sewer 18189.37
Total 192104.66
May 2014 Receipts
- General 14988.91
- Road Use Tax 3963.35
- Employee Benefits 716.34
- Emergency 149.79
- Local Option Tax 6623.81
- Library Trust 50.00
- Debt Service 973.85
- Water 11077.24
- Sewer 9667.56
Total 48210.85