Posted: June 5, 2023
Regular City Council Meeting
Monday, June 5, 2023 5:00 P.M.
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Person’s wishing to address the Council
A. Joey Maiers – Goldfinch Geo, LLC
3. Police report
4. Mayor’s report
5. Committee reports.
6. Approve the following consent items: May 1, 2023 council minutes, clerk’s reports, and monthly bills
7. Old and New Business:
A. Discuss/act on FY23 audit contract
B. Discuss/act on street projects
C. Discuss/act on supplies for pickleball court
D. Discuss/act on trees in boulevard
E. Discuss/act on cigarette permit
F. Discuss/act on alcohol beverage permit
G. Discuss/act on tax abatement application
H. Discuss/act on building permits
I. Discuss/act on nuisance properties
J. Other business to be brought up for discussion
8. Adjournment