March 3, 2025

Posted: March 15, 2025

Present: Bohr, Holthaus, Knutson, Langreck, Lienau. Absent: none
City employees present: Kyle Tieskoetter, Ashley Goltz
Also present: Clark Goltz, Samantha Esmann, Pat and Sherry Boe, Mary Bishop, Art Uhlenhake

Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Beckman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Pat Boe and Samantha Esmann addressed the council regarding putting chickens in their yard.

Clark Goltz provided an update on the 175th Celebration plans.

Lienau made a motion approving the following consent items: February 3, 2025 council minutes, meeting, clerk’s reports, monthly bills and building permits, second by Holthaus carried.

Holthaus made a motion to allow Boe, Esmann and Beckman to have chickens on their property; second by Langreck.

Langreck made a motion to approve the proposed tax levy for FY26 and to set a public hearing for the purpose of the FY26 property tax levy for April 7, 2025 at 5:00pm; second by Knutson, carried.

Lienau made a motion approving Resolution 712, a resolution approving wages for city employees; seconded by Knutson.
Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Bohr, Knutson, Langreck, Holthaus, Lienau. Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and the resolution adopted.

Lienau made a motion to approve tax abatement applications for David Schultz; second by Holthaus, carried.

Langreck made a motion to approve an agreement with the City of Calmar for police services for FY26-FY28.

Council discussed city clerk applicants.

Council review nuisance properties

The council had a general discussion regarding ICAP grant, Hillside Cemetery, coyotes, community center and Iowa State Code for cities and bidding requirements.

Langreck made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lienau; carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:20p.m.

February 2025 Expenses
Acentek-network services 866.53
Alliant Energy-elect utilities 8284.31
Badger Meter-service 87.20
Baker Taylor Books-libr books 662.12
Becker Hardware-supplies 582.35
Black Hills Energy-utilities 1677.71
By The Books, LLC-taxes 231.00
Casey’s-fuel 1024.27
City Laundering Co.-services 185.56
Column Software-pub 63.93
Custom Alarm-tech 76.50
Dillon Law-legal 225.75
DNR-fees 20.00
Fidelity Bank-fee 10.00
Hach-supplies 2984.10
Kyle Tieskoetter-reimb 100.00
L&B Elecrtic-repairs 175.72
Luana Savings Bank-HSA/fees 546.77
Malcom-garbage 6994.38
Marco-technology 160.00
Microbac-lab fees 413.50
Ossian Post Office-postage 228.76
ServiceMaster-cleaning 3483.97
The Union-libr subscrip 48.99
Time-libr subscrip 58.80
Treasurer State of Iowa-taxes 827.86
Wellmark-ins 1321.41
Winn. Co. Engineer-supplies 333.00
Total 31674.49


February 2025 Expenses by Fund
General 19018.68
Employee Benefits 1721.41
Water 6288.95
Sewer 4645.45
Total 31674.49


February 2025 Receipts
General 14310.64
Road Use Tax 8091.94
Employee Benefits 243.64
Local Option Sales Tax 9995.20
Debt Service 613.81
Water 14160.93
Sewer 16637.39
Total 64053.55