March 4, 2019

Posted: March 4, 2019

Present: Langreck, Beckman, Lienau, Knutson, Holthaus, Knutson
Absent: None
Brian Zweibohmer and Zach Kriener from the Ossian Bee were present at the meeting. Boy Scouts Casey Bohr and Eric Kriener along with their Dads, Bruce Bohr and Joe Kriener, were also were in attendance.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Green called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Mayor Green announced the public hearing for the FY2020 Budget was open for any questions or comments. There were no written comments or objections submitted, nor were there any comments or objections from those present.

Mayor Green closed the public hearing.

Beckman made a motion introducing Resolution #614, a resolution approving the FY2020 Budget, seconded by Holthaus. Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Lienau, Beckman, Knutson.
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and the resolution adapted.

No police report was submitted.

The Mayor commented on all the snow removal the city has endured over the past month. Council discussion on the topic suggested visibility at several intersections may be improved if snow was removed at various intersections.

Lienau made a motion approving the following consent items: February 4, 2019 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Langreck, carried.

Beckman made a motion to renew Kyle Meyer’s contract to mow Hillside Cemetery at the rate of $140.00/mowing for the 2019 mowing season, seconded by Knutson. Carried.

Continuing the discussion from the February council meeting, the Council reflected on how it is becoming more difficult to cope with the increased costs to operate the city’s sewer utility with the revenue currently being generated.

The city clerk noted the last increase in sewer rates were made in 2012 and 2014. After talking the matter over it was the consensus of the Council, that to keep pace with expenditures, a rate increase would be necessary. After discussing options, the Council directed the city clerk to prepare an ordinance to reflect the following increase to the sewer rates:

  • Increase the minimum by $1.00 for both city and rural residents from $8.00 to $9.00 for 0 to 1000 gallons.
  • Increase the usage rate beyond 1000 gallons by $2.00/thousand gallons from $4.40/thousand gallons to $6.40/thousand gallons for city residents and $5.40/thousand gallons to $7.40/thousand gallons for rural residents.

The first reading of the ordinance will be held at the April 1st council meeting. Readings two and three should take place at the May 6th and June 3rd council meetings.

To accommodate a wedding taking place on May 18th at the pavilion in Carey’s Park, the Council is permitting the closure of a portion of Jessie Street from approximately 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Topics casually discussed included; a tree grant sponsored by the DNR for 20” to 30” seedlings, city wide cleanup and a springs newsletter.

Lienau made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Beckman, carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:53 pm.

February 2019 Expenses

  • Acentek-phone/internet charges 489.04
  • Aflac-employee deduction 254.40
  • Alliant Energy-elect utilities 7105.20
  • Allied Systems-repairs 9511.50
  • Anderson Law Firm-legal fees 525.00
  • Badger Meter-service fee 64.20
  • Baker & Taylor-library books 260.31
  • Becker Hardware-supplies 5.58
  • Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 1166.30
  • Brian Zweibohmer-phone reimb 50.00
  • Card Services-tech supp. 79.99
  • Casey’s-vehicle operations 562.22
  • City Laundering-services 107.27
  • Cody Grant-services 90.00
  • Don Dilaura-phone reimb 50.00
  • Family Support Pymt Ctr-pymt service 1423.00
  • Farmers Union Coop-supplies 80.96
  • Fayette Publishing-publication fee 71.95
  • Hawkins-operating supplies 15.00
  • IMFOA-annual dues 50.00
  • Iowa One Call-services 9.00
  • IPERS-Feb. Ipers 2173.05
  • Keystone Lab-lab fees 251.50
  • Kurt Anfinson-services 500.00
  • L&B Electric-repair 42.45
  • Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a.pymt & fees 460.00
  • Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 5028.04
  • Mark Zweibohmer-services 75.00
  • Metering & Tech. Solutions- supplies 596.29
  • Midwest Living-subscription 18.00
  • Midwest Tape-videos 93.60
  • Ossian Post Office-postage 145.95
  • Postville Vet Clinic-ups charges 63.00
  • Real Simple-subscription 24.00
  • Region 1 AWWA-mtg fee 50.00
  • Riley’s-supplies 30.00
  • Rite Price Office Supply-supplies 218.25
  • Smart Apply Media-library books 94.75
  • IRS-Feb. Federal deposit 3407.98
  • Time-subscription 34.95
  • Wellmark-insurance 3197.45
  • Winn. Co. Engineer-repair 99.25
  • February 2019 payroll 7227.87

Total 45802.30


February 2019 Expenses by Fund

  • General 17601.72
  • Road Use 3092.98
  • Employee Benefits 2757.85
  • Water 5709.11
  • Sewer 16640.64

Total 45802.30


February 2019 Receipts

  • General 9721.88
  • Road Use Tax 9136.55
  • Employee Benefits 225.55
  • Emergency 54.36
  • Local Option Sales Tax 8017.29
  • Debt Service 412.00
  • Water 10650.94
  • Sewer 12750.28

Total 50968.85