Posted: March 6, 2024
Present: Holthaus, Langreck, Lienau Absent: Knutson There is currently one vacancy
City employees present: Kyle Tieskoetter, Ashley Goltz
Also present: Kermit Oakland
Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Beckman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Tara Hoffert with CIOIA discussed options for property insurance.
Council reviewed the submitted police report for February.
Lienau made a motion approving the following consent items: February 5, 2024 council minutes, clerk’s reports, and the monthly bills; second by Holthaus, carried with a correction that the alcohol beverage permit approved was for Casey’s General Store.
Langreck made a motion to approve the proposed tax levy for FY25 and to set a public hearing for the purpose of the FY25 property tax levy for April 1, 2024 at 5:00pm; second by Holthaus, carried.
Langreck made a motion approving Resolution 698, a resolution approving wages for FY25; seconded by Holthaus.
Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Knutson, Lienau. Nays: None. Absent: Knutson There is currently one vacancy.
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and the resolution adopted.
Lienau made a motion approving the proposed memorandum of Understanding with St. Teresa of Calcutta School with the proposed changes; second by Langreck, carried.
Lienau made a motion to accept a proposal for Fall Broadleaf Spraying for the proposed rate good for the next three years from Tieskoetter Lawn Care; second by Holthaus, carried.
Hillside Cemetery mowing was tabled until the next meeting.
Langreck made a motion setting a public hearing date and time for approving a new franchise agreement with Soo Green for April 1, 2024 at 5:30pm; second by Lienau, carried.
The Employee handbook was discussed and proposed changes will be presented at the next meeting.
Discussion on purchasing a lawn mower was tabled to the next meeting.
Lienau made a motion approving the alcohol beverage permit for Silver Springs Golf & Country Club Class C Liquor/Outdoor Service/Sunday Sales; second by Holthaus, carried.
There was no addition discussion on property insurance at this time.
Discussion to fill council vacancy was tabled to gather more information.
Holthaus made a motion approving a fence permit for Gary Franzen; second by Lienau, carried.
Council had a general discussion regarding FEMA grant, ICAP grant, railroad crossings, and nuisance properties.
Lienau made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Holthaus; carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:21pm.
February 2024 Expenses
Acentek-network services 865.80
Aflac-employee insurance 136.96
Alliant Energy-elect utilities 7308.08
Allied Benefit Systems-insurance 1344.00
Badger Meter-services 74.18
Baker Taylor-libr books 546.12
Becker Hardware-supplies 639.09
Black Hills Energy-utilities 1195.96
Bryan Beckman-reimb 31.92
Casey’s General Store-fuel 1270.10
Chad Bohr-reimb 50.00
City Laundering Co.-services 164.21
Custom Alarm-tech 76.50
Decorah Tech-tech 75.00
Demco-libr supplies 531.31
Dillon Law-legal 30.00
Iowa DNR-permit 100.00
Farmers Coop-supplies 259.25
Fayette Publishing-publication 219.17
Fidelity Bank & Trust-taxes 3692.28
Hawkins-chemicals 40.00
IAMU-dues 457.00
Iowa One Call-locate 13.50
IPERS-February Ipers 2452.57
IREAD-libr supplies 597.74
Kyle Tieskoetter-reimb 50.00
L&B Electric-repairs 516.60
Luana Savings Bank-HSA/fees 610.00
Malcom-garbage 5462.21
Marco-technology 283.08
Microbac-lab fees 370.50
Mid-America Publishing-libr subscr 45.00
Midwest Geographical Services-GPS 135.00
Ossian Post Office-postage 214.65
Quill – supplies 482.92
Spee-dee Delivery-shipping 85.62
Treasurer State of Iowa-taxes 712.85
USA Bluebook-supplies 297.57
Ziegler-repairs 298.47
February 2024 Payroll 11342.29
Total 43077.50
February 2024 Expenses by Fund
General 22169.55
Road Use 3418.48
Employee Benefits 1944.00
Water 7497.24
Sewer 8048.23
Total 43077.50
February 2024 Receipts
General 11721.74
Road Use Tax 8259.27
Employee Benefits 3114.73
Emergency 32.16
Local Option Sales Tax 14405.82
Library Trust 252.60
Debt Service 4775.90
Water 13011.11
Sewer 18304.64
Total 73877.97