May 1, 2023 – Agenda

Posted: April 28, 2023

Regular City Council Meeting
Monday, May 1, 2023 5:00 P.M.

1. Call the meeting to order
A. Public Hearing to amend the FY23 Budget

2. Person’s wishing to address the Council

3. Police report

4. Mayor’s report

5. Committee reports.

6. Approve the following consent items: April 3, 2023 council minutes, clerk’s reports, and monthly bills

7. Old and New Business:
A. Discuss/act on Resolution #690 approving wages for FY24
B. Discuss/act on Resolution #691 amending the FY23 budget
C. Discuss/act on Resolution #692 authorizing the transfer of funds for the payment of debt principle and interest
D. Discuss/act on Resolution #693 authorizing the transfer from the employee benefits and emergency funds
E. Discuss/act on Ash Tree treatment
F. Discuss/act on water tower cleaning
G. Discuss/act on pickleball court
H. Discuss/act on Soo Green
I. Discuss/act on trash receptacles
J. Discuss/act on trees in boulevard
K. Discuss/act on building permits
L. Discuss/act on nuisance properties
M. Other business to be brought up for discussion

8. Adjournment