Posted: October 2, 2017
Present: Meyer, Holthaus, Lienau, Langreck.
Absent: Beckman.
Don Dilaura along with Zak Kriener from the Ossian Bee and Stephanie Fromm were present during the meeting. Karl Schroeder was present during a part of the meeting.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Green called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
Kenneth Ney spoke to the Mayor and Council asking if it was possible to connect to the City’s water system. Ney resides at 1377 Co Rd W42 which is located outside the City’s corporate limits. Ney was informed that according to the City Code of Ordinances water may be furnished to a customer outside the corporate limits if a Service Contract Agreement with the City is entered into. A new service line must also be installed that connects to a City owned water source. Discussion followed. Meyer made a motion allowing Kenneth Ney to connect to the City’s water system pending a Service Contract Agreement is entered into between Ney and the City of Ossian, seconded by Holthaus, carried, one absent.
Stephanie Fromm from Winneshiek County Development suggested to the Council they may want to think about establishing a plan that would have information available for companies that are looking for a place to locate their business. Fromm indicated she would be willing to assist the Council with this process.
Bill Nelson, the engineer working with Military Trails Estates, went over plans for the housing addition to clarify some points with the Mayor and Council. After discussion it was the consensus of the Council that: the City will be responsible for the costs to construct the intersection at Jessie Street and Brooks Street going west toward the subdivision, the water main will be extended to a point beyond the intersection where the water main for the
subdivision can be connected, the developer will install 6″ water main but if it is determined to be in the best interest of the City to have 8″ water main the City will be responsible to pay the price difference between the 6″ and 8″ water main. Nelson indicated it is their goal to get the final plat to the Council sometime soon for their review and approval.
Mayor Green reported on various items that included: the seeding is completed at the City acquired church property, obsolete items sold at auction netted over $400.00, pavilion dedication went well, found storage space for the little league equipment.
The Mayor also discussed with the Council the opportunity to purchase dirt for fill from Winneshiek County. Meyer made a motion to purchase and haul up to 25 loads of fill dirt from Winneshiek County at a cost of $50.00/load for the purpose of filling in a ditch along the east side of Jessie Street, seconded by Langreck, carried, one absent.
Holthaus made a motion approving the following consent items: September 6, 2017 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Meyer, carried, one absent.
Holthaus made a motion authorizing Payment #6 in the amount of $37,230.10 to Croell Inc. for the Jessie-Brooks-West Street Project, seconded by Meyer, carried, one absent.
Lienau made a motion authorizing Payment #3 in the amount of $2,308.50 to Bacon Concrete, LLC for the the Reilly Addition Interceptor Sewer Project, seconded by Meyer, carried, one absent.
Langreck made a motion introducing Resolution #597, a resolution approving and accepting the Reilly Addition Interceptor Sewer Relocation 2017 Project as completed, seconded by Meyer.
Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Lienau, Meyer.
Nays: None. Absent: Beckman.
Thereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved.
Holthaus made a motion accepting the City of Calmar’s proposal of a $10.00 set up fee to bring their Speed Trailer to a location and $25.00 per day fee to use the Speed Trailer, seconded by Langreck, carried with Lienau voting no and one absent.
Lienau made a motion appointing Diane Ameling as the City of Ossian’s designee to the 2018 Winneshiek County Community Foundation’s Distribution Committee, seconded by Meyer, carried, one absent.
Holthaus made a motion introducing Resolution #596, a resolution amending the City of Ossian’s Employee Handbook by adding two new sections referencing internet and email guidelines, seconded by Lienau.
Whereupon the Mayor put the question on the motion and the following named Council Members voted:
Ayes: Holthaus, Langreck, Lienau, Meyer.
Nays: None. Absent: Beckman.
Thereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved.
The City Clerk suggested to the Mayor and Council that a water rate increase should be considered. With on going system maintenance getting more costly and the replacement of 20 year old meters, additional funds are needed. Water rates were last increased in 2003 and an improvement fee was added to the monthly bills in 2012. Following discussion it was the consensus of the Council to increase the base water rate by $1.00/month. The Clerk was directed to prepare an ordinance for the rate increase to be introduced at the November 6th council meeting.
The Council discussed setting an interest rate to charge on final assessments for the Jessie-Brooks-West Street Project when the assessments are attached to property taxes. It was determined advice will be sought from the City’s bonding attorney for his recommendation.
Holthaus made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lienau, carried, one absent. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.
September 2017 Expenses
- Acentek-phone/internet charges 492.52
- Aflac-employee deduction 381.60
- Alliant Energy-elect utilities 5675.03
- Baker & Taylor-library books 513.26
- Banyon Data Systems Inc.-tech support 795.00
- Becker Hardware-repair & supplies 2595.60
- Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 171.35
- Bohr Construction-concrete repair 452.00
- Book Look-library books 211.87
- Brian Zweibohmer-phone reimb 50.00
- Cardmember Service-library books 39.83
- Casey’s-vehicle operations 381.81
- Center Point Large Pring-library books 104.88
- CFSR-Ragbri proceeds 1313.23
- City Laundering-services&supplies 211.67
- Consumer Reports-subscription 29.00
- Croell Inc-construction project 226069.30
- De Sales Child Care-Ragbrai proceeds 1313.23
- De Sales Church-Ragbrai proceeds 1313.23
- De Sales School-Ragbrai proceeds 1313.23
- Demco-library supplies 94.89
- Don Dilaura-phone reimb 50.00
- Family Support Pymt Ctr-pymt service 1423.00
- Farmers Union Coop-supplies 65.00
- Fareway Store-supplies 74.37
- Fayette Publishing-publication fee 271.49
- Hach Company-opertating equip. 138.79
- Hawkins-operating supplies 5.00
- IIW Engineers-engineering fees 37273.25
- Iowa Rural Assoc-training fee 280.00
- IPERS-September Ipers 2971.25
- Iroc Web Services-tech support 78.75
- Joyce Bakewell-reimb supplies 49.50
- Keith Lee-supplies 32.40
- Keystone Lab-lab fees 471.50
- Kyle Meyer-services 540.00
- L&B Electric-repair 93.92
- Lacrosse Sign Co-sign maint. 185.25
- Linderbaum Auto Co.-equip repair 85.00
- Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a.pymt 450.00
- Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 4862.23
- Mr. Computers-tech equip & services 1056.25
- Municipal Supply-maint supplies 44.05
- Neal’s Auto body-repair 787.00
- Ossian Boy Scouts-Ragbrai proceeds 1313.23
- Ossian Crown Club-Ragbrai proceeds 1313.21
- Ossian Fire Dept-supplies 105.62
- Ossian Lumber Co.-supplies 96.15
- Ossian Luthn Church-Ragbrai proceeds 1313.23
- Ossian Post Office-postage 225.59
- Ossian Library-petty cash 83.88
- Ossian Hospice-Rabgrai proceeds 1313.23
- Pinters Tree Service-trees 1993.25
- Postville Vet Clinic-ups charges 79.00
- Reminisce-subscription 18.00
- Riley’s-library supplies 30.00
- South Winn School-bus services 322.44
- IRS-Sept. Federal deposit 5222.56
- Stavanger Church-Ragbrai proceeds 1313.23
- Storey Kenworthy-supplies 133.25
- Treas State of IA-3rd qtr state tax 2627.00
- Utility Equip Co.-maint. Supplies 932.67
- Wellmark-insurance premium 2772.11
- September 2017 payroll 11329.56
Total 327347.74
September 2017 Expenses by Fund
- General 41284.65
- Road Use 3220.59
- Employee Benefits 978.24
- Capitol Projects 263342.55
- Water 9204.89
- Sewer 9316.82
Total 327347.74
September 2017 Receipts
- General 41689.84
- Road Use Tax 11047.69
- Employee Benefits 5711.02
- Emergency 925.70
- Local Option Tax 7948.62
- Capitol Projects 455724.55
- Debt Service 5021.66
- Water 11981.28
- Sewer 13597.46
Total 553647.82