September 6, 2017

Posted: September 6, 2017

Present: Beckman, Holthaus, Lienau, Meyer, Langreck.
Absent: Meyer
Don Dilaura along with Zak Kriener from the Ossian Bee were present during the meeting. Brian Zweibohmer and Karl Schroeder was present during a part of the meeting.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Green called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Joe Kriener explained to the Mayor and Council that funds for a tree grant awarded one and a half years ago will be used to plant new trees in Carey’s Park. Kriener noted anyone interested in helping with the project is welcome. The tentative date scheduled for the tree planting is September 30th.

Mark Brincks told the council he will be removing numerous trees, of which many are Ash, from both his and Clark Goltz’s property and is asking permission to burn what doesn’t get cut up for wood heat. He went on to explain there is an adjacent field that he can use to burn the undesirable parts of the trees. The stumps will not be burned. Following discussion, the Council gave Brincks permission to burn the trees this fall and when doing so, make sure the appropriate precautions are taken.

Mayor Green reported with the seeding now finished on Jessie, Brooks and West Streets, work on the project is done and a walk through of the project will take place before the project is formally accepted. Green also explained that numerous items the City has no need for and have been in storage for years were taken to an auction and sold.

Meyer made a motion approving the following consent items: August 7, 2017 council minutes, clerk’s reports and the monthly bills, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

Beckman made a motion authorizing Payment #5 in the amount of $226,069.30 to Croell Inc. for the Jessie-Brooks-West Street Project, seconded by Langreck, carried.

The Council reviewed estimates for replacing all the water meters being used throughout the community. The estimates submitted involved radio read either done by a mobile reader or cellular. After discussing the options the Council concluded the cellular radio read system was the best fit in meeting the city’s needs. Beckman made a motion to purchase the Badger Cellular Radio Read System from Metering and Technology Solutions per their quotation submitted with the final cost being based on the number and size of meters purchased, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

The Council was presented with internet and computer practices policies for review. Beckman made a motion to approve the policies submitted, it died for lack of a second. It was determined more time was needed to review the policies so they will be considered again at the October meeting.

Lienau made a motion approving a building permit for Michael Miller, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

Beckman made a motion approving the renewals of Blooms on Main Class B Native Wine Permit and Bambinos Class C Liquor/Sunday Sales Permit, seconded by Holthaus, carried.

Holthaus, made a motion approving Corrpor Waterworks Contract-Plan C for the inspection of the cathodic protection corrosion control equipment in the water tower, seconded by Meyer, carried.

An individual is being sought to replace Ree Meyer who is stepping down as the City’s representation on the Winneshiek County Community Foundation Distribution Committee. The city clerk was directed to seek someone who would be interested in filling the position.

The city clerk was directed to send a nuisance abatement notice to the property owner at 109 Old Sewer Road.

The Council reviewed a proposal to rent the City of Calmar’s portable electronic speed sign. No action was taken. More information is needed before any decision is made.

A general discussion included: signs in DOT right of way; city wide spring clean-up day; interest in connecting to city sewer; open house for a county housing study; a rough alley approach; Holthaus made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Langreck, carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.

August 2017 Expenses

  • A Creative Nature-RAGBRAI expense 714.43
  • Acentek-phone/internet charges 495.01
  • Aflac-employee deduction 254.40
  • Alliant Energy-elect utilities 6650.08
  • Baker & Taylor-library books 439.07
  • Becker Hardware- suppl,repair,RAGBRAI 3473.39
  • Better Homes & Gardens- book,magaz 19.99
  • Biblionix-libr tech services 1600.00
  • Black Hills Energy-gas utilities 164.34
  • Brian Zweibohmer-phone reimb 50.00
  • Cardmember Service-library supplies 59.84
  • Casey’s-vehicle operations 364.60
  • Chuck’s Service-vehicle maint. 109.31
  • City Laundering-services&supplies 151.24
  • Continental Research Corp-suppl 305.80
  • Croell Inc-construction project 378118.62
  • Dan Langreck-reimb repair supplies 436.87
  • Darrell Austin-driving services 542.88
  • Diamond Vogel Paint-supplies 813.30
  • IDNR-permit fees 312.94
  • Don Dilaura-phone & mtg reimb 435.54
  • Family Support Pymt Ctr-pymt service 1423.00
  • Farmers Union Coop-supplies 62.50
  • Fayette Publishing-publication fee 102.23
  • Grassmasters-maint services 638.00
  • Gundersen Lutheran Med.-services 82.00
  • Hawkins-operating supplies 872.74
  • Hi-Viz Safety-supplies 102.00
  • IIW Engineers-engineering fees 55145.50
  • Iowa One Call-locate services 39.80
  • IPERS-August Ipers 2212.04
  • Keystone Lab-lab fees 389.00
  • Kyle Meyer-services 675.00
  • L&B Electric-repair 377.31
  • Luana Savings Bank-h.s.a.pymt & fees 460.00
  • Malcom Enterprises-garbage service 4942.98
  • Ness Pumping-RAGBRAI expense 4069.00
  • Ossian Crown Club-RAGBRAI expense 1134.75
  • Ossian Lumber Co.-bldg supplies 5120.57
  • Ossian Post Office-postage 192.48
  • Ossian Library-petty cash 72.99
  • Postville Vet Clinic-ups charges 113.00
  • Riley’s-library supplies 99.22
  • Rite Price Supply-supplies 235.46
  • River City Paving-street maintenance 16810.00
  • Scholastic Inc-library books 27.00
  • Shelly Goltz-RAGBRAI expenses 477.01
  • State Bank-service fee 5.00
  • IRS-August Federal deposit 3766.04
  • USA Blue Book-supplies 161.44
  • Wellmark-insurance premium 2772.11
  • Westech-repair 6279.00
  • Winn Co Landfill-RAGBRAI expense 45.56
  • August 2017 payroll 8068.44

Total 512484.82


August 2017 Expenses by Fund

  • General 36156.87
  • Road Use 20745.10
  • Employee Benefits 978.24
  • Library Trust 400.00
  • Capitol Projects 433264.12
  • Water 12876.17
  • Sewer 8064.32

Total 512484.82


August 2017 Receipts

  • General 9277.53
  • Road Use Tax 11314.39
  • Employee Benefits 69.17
  • Emergency 11.22
  • Library Trust 43.50
  • Local Option Tax 7948.62
  • Capitol Projects 450000.00
  • Debt Service 60.83
  • Water 13102.07
  • Sewer 14162.22

Total 505989.55